Can you prevent CANCER?

According to the Cancer Council Victoria there are more than 13,000 cancer deaths each year!

“a third of all cancers – are due to smoking, sun exposure, poor diet, alcohol, inadequate exercise or being overweight.”

This means a third of all Cancers may be preventable by making better health choices.

Here are some improvements you can start implementing today;

1.     Eat Well! - A healthy diet consisting of at least 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit, limiting processed foods and added sugar is a good way to kick start a healthy waist line! Being over weight leads to many diseases including Cancer, Diabetes, heart and joint problems.

2.    Decrease Alcohol Intake! - Limit your intake of alcohol to no more than 2 standard drinks per day. The more you drink, the higher the chance of cancer!

3.    QUIT SMOKING! - Smoking can lead to many different types of Cancer. It is the leading cause of death and illness in Australia. If you need help, speak to your GP or call the Quiline on 13 78 48.

4.    Get moving! - 30 minutes of vigorous or 60 minutes of moderate activity per day can decrease your risk of cancer. Exercise is also great for cardio-vascular and musculoskeletal health.

5.    Protect yourself form the sun!

  • slipping on protective clothing·        

  • slopping on SFP30+ sunscreen

  •  slapping on a broad-brimmed hat

  • seeking shade

  • sliding on sunglasses whenever the UV index is greater than 3

UV damage can cause sunburn, premature aging and eye damage!

To get timely UV advice, download the SunSmart app.

6.    Get screened! - There are screening tools for breast, bowel and cervical Cancer. If you have family history of any type of cancer, it may increase your chances of Cancer, seek your GP for screening. Stay upto date with mammograms, prostate checks, pap smears and mole maps!

7.    Know your body! - If you notice any change in your body, see a health professional to seek their opinion.

Making small adjustments daily. can have a large postive effect on your overall health.


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